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The Art of Shaving
The History of the Shave
The Egyptians, The Romans and The Greeks
Middle Ages and Beyond
The Decline of the Barbershop Shave
Product Knowledge
Product Knowledge
Cleansers (3:53)
Scrub (3:22)
Masks (2:09)
Moisturisers/Aftershave Balms
Shaving Products (5:18)
Shaving Materials Tools and Equipment
Equipment Low Down (2:02)
The History of the Razor
The Main Parts Of A Razor
Tools For A Wet Shave
Health and Safety
Shaving Brush (3:27)
The Shave Consultation (1:44)
Wet and Dry Shaving Methods
The Shave Wet Method (11:37)
The Shave (9:23)
Wet Shaving Method (6:17)
Head Shave Method (7:50)
The Wet Shave With No Steps Missed
Phase 1 The Prep (0:57)
Phase 2 The Shave
Phase 3 Heal And Protect
The Wet Shave Video Tutorial (9:30)
Wet Shave Beard Design (11:08)
Beard Design & Wet Shave
Beard Design & Wet Shave (3:33)
Beard Design & Wet Shave (3:02)
Beard Design & Wet Shave (3:29)
Beard Design & Wet Shave (4:15)
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